Sunday, November 27, 2011

It's the most [stress]ful time of the year....

Seriously now.  Aren't the holidays supposed to be a time to relax and get the kids involved with the fun?  I keep telling my girls (Moo is 7 and Rye is 5, both with birthdays drawing very near) to just get their room clean so that we can start decorating, watch a movie and eat some of the amazing mint brownies I made last night.  I've even checked to see which of Santa's lists they're on....  nothin'.  The room remains a mess, even though the threat of no Christmas gifts from Santa had Moo near tears - twice.  I have a feeling that Buddy, our "elf on the shelf" (who isn't an *actual* elf on the shelf, but is a cute little guy that Kitty Gramma, my mom, picked up at the North Pole last year) will be returning tonight while the kids are in bed....  or maybe even at rest time today.  

On a happier note, the kids *will* be getting gifts from me (even if Santa only bring them coal ::evil laughter::)....  I wrote up an actual list so that I don't forget anything.  It goes something like this:

*sketch books

*sketch books

O (my three year old boy)-
*sketch books
*beanbag chair

I obviously have quite a bit of work to do.  AND I'm working on handmade ::grumblesclearsthroatmmkmmm:: for other family members, which should be easy enough....  I'm making a point of doing different designs, but still the same actual product so assembly will be easy.  And then there's the fiancé ....  His will be easy to make, but difficult to hide.  

So, while I should have been doing all of this crafting of gifts, what did I actually spend my time doing last night?  I already mentioned the brownies (oh, the brownies...), but I also made a neat little wreath for our house out of an old Harlequin romance novel.  (Note: this is a rare case where I am actually okay with the destroying of a book.  Mostly because the book was pretty much garbage to begin with)  Pictures will come as soon as I can get one of the two cameras to work for me.  

Maybe if I can find another book that I'm okay with tearing apart I'll make a tutorial...?

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